Choosing a school for your child is an important and personal decision. Compiled below are the most frequently asked questions that enrolling families ask about Our Lady of the Rosary.

When can I enrol my child at Our Lady of the Rosary?

We advise parents to enrol their child as early as possible in the year before they start school. For families who are changing schools or are new to the area, this can be done at any time throughout the year providing we have places available.

Who can enrol in a Catholic school?

All families seeking to enrol at Our Lady of the Rosary are welcome to apply. Enrolment preference is given, in order, to:

  • Children of Catholic families who live in the local parish
  • Children of Catholic families from other parishes
  • Non-Catholics

Catholic schools have a strong religious dimension and people of other faiths who wish to enrol should be willing to participate in the religious activities at Our Lady of the Rosary.

Will it be expensive to send my child to a Catholic school?

The Diocese of Broken Bay (of which Our Lady of the Rosary is a part) strives to keep fees to a minimum and no student is denied enrolment in a Catholic school purely on the basis of a genuine inability to pay fees and other charges. There are sibling discounts on tuition fees and flexible payment arrangements available. The current fee schedule is available on our website under the enrolments tab, or click on this link School Fees – Our Lady of Rosary, Waitara

Do you have a Kindergarten transition program at Our Lady of the Rosary?

After acceptance of enrolment our Kindergarten children join us for three mornings from 9am to 12 noon where they meet teachers, each other and get to know the school environment a little. It helps to ensure a smooth transition for your child and gives parents the opportunity to find out more about how the school operates, hear from some professional speakers and also network with the other Kindergarten Parents.

The students will have opportunities to work in the kindergarten room, meet buddies, use computers, borrow a book from the library and complete fun activities.

What is the approach to Learning & Teaching at Our Lady of the Rosary?

Our Lady of the Rosary is committed to the provision of quality learning experiences that are relevant, stimulating and developmental. Our curriculum and instructional practices are all designed to enhance student success. We have a team of dedicated, highly qualified professionals whose commitment to the support of every student is central to their achievement.  Our teacher librarian and EAL teacher support classes.  We have a strong Special Needs team including a specialist Learning Support Teacher and assistants and G&T teacher, as well as specialist Music, PE and Art teachers.

How is positive student behaviour encouraged and supported at Our Lady of the Rosary?

At Our Lady of the Rosary, we have adopted a whole school approach to bring about positive behaviour; Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL). This approach has a strong emphasis on teaching appropriate behaviours and providing systems of support to bring about these positive behaviours. Our school rules outline appropriate student behaviours that contribute to the functioning of our school as a safe and supportive learning environment.

At Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School, we Respect Self and Others, Respect Learning and Respect our Environment.

In 2013 we have commenced working with the Kidsmatter initiative with students encouraged to be ‘bucket fillers’ supporting and affirming each other.’

What does religious education involve at Our Lady of the Rosary?

Religion has a very important role in the life of a Catholic school and all students study religious education. Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School shares in the mission of the Church which is based on a rich heritage of faith and tradition. Our school community takes part in activities such as regular prayer, mass and liturgy to continually develop our faith.

At Our Lady of the Rosary our Mercy values of hospitality, respect, integrity, compassion and service underpin all we do.

What activities are on offer at Our Lady of the Rosary?

Our Lady of the Rosary is committed to engaging students in a wide range of activities outside traditional classroom learning. Students have the opportunity to take part in a number activities including:

  • Performing Arts: Choir, Band, Private violin lessons, drama club Taekwondo club
  • Sports: Swimming, athletics, cross country, School Carnivals, North Shore Cluster and Diocesan Carnivals, Gala Days in soccer, rugby, netball and basketball, Active After School Sport.
  • Special Events: School Disco, Walk-a-thon, Religious Celebrations, Generation One Competition, School camps and Leadership training day.
  • Academic: University of NSW Competitions, Book Week activities, Literacy and Numeracy Week activities, Maths Olympiad,  Public Speaking Competition, A Welcoming Community

Is parental involvement encouraged at Our Lady of the Rosary?

Our Lady of the Rosary is blessed with a strong and supportive parent community. Members of the school community are invited to become fully involved in all aspects of school life at Our Lady of the Rosary. There is a particular focus on welcoming new families to the school.

There are a number of events throughout the school year to get involved in and meet other families – they are great fun and well attended including Welcome BBQs, Parents and Friends Trivia Night and end of year disco, Class Parents social get togethers, Canteen , Mother’s and Father’s and  Grandparents Day celebrations, School Excursions, sport management, Reading support in the classrooms and Parent seminars.

What facilities does Our Lady of the Rosary have on-site?

Our Lady of the Rosary has a well-equipped library and resource centre which utilises the latest technology to engage students in their learning. This includes access to computers, the internet, multimedia equipment and other tools for learning. Every classroom at Our Lady of the Rosary is well resourced with interactive white boards and laptops and ipads and highly skilled teachers in the area of ICLT. Students have access to a variety of playground areas, canteen, veggie garden and the Light of Christ Centre.

Do you have Out of School Hours Care available?

Yes we have an OOSH (Out of School Hours) Centre on our grounds which is managed by CatholicCare.

Would you like to know more?

Browse our website, read the Parent Information Handbook, attend our Open Day in March or arrange for a personal tour. There are many ways to find out about Our Lady of the Rosary – but most of all don’t hesitate to give us a call, we are only too happy to answer your questions.

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