Physical Education, Health and Sport
The Diocesan recommended time for PDHPE is 2 hours and 45 minutes per week.
This includes the mandated 2 hours of regular physical activity each week as required by the Board of Studies. This can include dance and dramatic activities as well as team sports.
At OLOR, all classes K- Year 6, have a forty minute sport lesson each week with a specialist PE Teacher and the classroom teacher is responsible for teaching a sports session each week (45-60mins) where the children learn skills and participate in team sports such as Tee Ball, Touch Football, Continuous Cricket and Gross Motor activities etc. These games are played in a whole class context. Sports uniform is worn on PE day and class sport day. Class teachers also organise for regular short fitness sessions on other days each week.
Personal Development and Health is the responsibility of the class teacher. The school uses the diocesan units as a basis for this planning. Letters are sent home to parents before sensitive issues units are taught, to inform parents of the content and timing of units.