School Fees

Catholic Schools Broken Bay receive funding from both state and federal governments in addition to contributions from parents via the payment of school fees. We believe this enables us to deliver a high quality of education for every child. 

Our schools aim to keep their fees as low as possible and provide flexible payment arrangements for families should they need assistance.  Catholic Schools Broken Bay is committed to supporting families who wish to access Catholic schooling for their children. Importantly, no student who meets the enrolment criteria is denied enrolment in a Catholic school purely based on a genuine inability to pay fees and other charges. 

Annual tuition fees for children attending Catholic systemic schools are set by Catholic Schools Broken Bay, which are committed to keeping fees to a minimum. Tuition fees represent the difference between government funding and the cost of educating children in Catholic schools. 

Once a parent has signed the permission form for either the Year 5 or Year 6 camp, the supplementary fee is non-refundable, except in the case where a student falls ill prior to the camp.  A medical certificate covering the dates of the camp will be required if your child is unable to attend the camp.  A credit will be provided in this instance.

2025 Schedule of Fees

Description Amount
Education Fee (1) 4,685.00
Supplementary Fee (2)
Year 5 Camp 484.00
Year 6 Camp 545.00
Co-curricular Swimming
(Kindergarten-Year 4)

(1) Sibling discounts applied to education fee portion of total fee as outlined above.

(2) Any other extra curricular charges, other than those listed (e.g. band, instrument hire, chess, University competitions, school magazines, costs associated with representative sport etc) are the responsibility of the parents.


School fees are billed annually at the beginning of Term 1 by CSBB and are due in 10 monthly instalments.  The first instalments is due 21 February and the last payment being November.  School fees may be paid more frequently (annually, fortnightly or weekly), however the monthly instalment amount is to be paid by the 21st of the month.  Our preferred method of payment for fees is Bpay.

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